Reddit AMA
28 min readJan 4, 2024


Check out the original reddit post here —

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Q. theTalkingMartlet

Can I get a hat for asking the first question?

A. josh_book_io

Sure, stop by the office in Texas


I will hold you to that when I’m there for Con

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Q. CptCrabmeat

Can we lend or give books to people that don’t use cryptocurrency? I feel like this would be a fantastic way to engage and educate people on real world use of digital ownership beyond the NFT chaos that we’ve had in previous years


Definitely on the roadmap. We are building the account structure so that any account can have multiple self driven wallets. That way we can give books to Mom who won’t ever learn about crypto. Also, we are working on multi-use codes so that we can give out a large quantity of books with a single code. We will hopefully roll that out mid Q1 2024.

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Okay, serious question. What utility is coming for the first DEA Audiobook, Alice in Wonderland? 👀


Well, wouldn’t be much fun if we told you all of our plans, would it? LOL.
The nice thing about DEAs, is we can always add in more utility, much like we did with the Gute.
Let’s just say we’re scheming.

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Are their publishing companies interested in the education sector and working on ? Digital libraries for schools ? Or something of this nature.


Yes. We’ve had a lot of calls with educational publishers. Fraud is an enormous issue in that part of publishing. Working through the details with them and building out a great reader so students can consume books in a friendly way.
Digital libraries is a big thing. A huge battle is going on in the industry because libraries don’t own those titles, and so they ARE taken from them. We think there is a better way and libraries, like us, should own what they buy.

Once again… the whole world will be a library. Blockchains like Cardano unlock endless potential on how we lend from person to person and help support libraries all over the world.

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Hey Josh, huge supporter of here! I’ve onboarded around 10 people I know in real life to the broader Cardano ecosystem because of Book specifically.

I was hoping I could possibly onboard family members soon with the gift cards that have books attached to them (such a great idea) for the ones that have no prior blockchain based asset experience.

Are there any further plans for this, possibly even within each new mint? Or maybe when I’m minting I can reserve one / burn one for a gift card?

Thanks in advance, can’t wait for BookCon!!!


First, we need to build out the “self-driven” wallet feature for friends and family that won’t go through the blockchain steps. We agree… there is WAY too much friction in crypto. This way they can get an account with just an email/social account.
Then, you’ll just be able to send them a book easily by searching through your friends/contacts on the platform.
Good question…nice to see you’re thinking about onboarding the masses.

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Have you been in contact with any well known authors to collaborate with?


A lot of big authors and publishers. However, we can’t disclose any of that until deals are signed and all parties are ready to announce.


Any follow up with Steven King?



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What were some challenges you faced while building Bookshout, do you see similar issues with — if so, how do you tackle them now compared to Bookshout?


The biggest issue we had at BookShout was that we didn’t have a sustainable competitive advantage. We were selling licensed books just like Kindle/ Kobo… and dozens of other retailers.
The answer is ownership of digital assets. We need to make the BUY button mean something. is a startup, so there are daily challenges. Publishers wrapping their heads around the “ownership” model takes a bit of time, but they are blown away by the numbers. As far as publishing startups go, we are an outlier for sure. It is highly unusual that anyone steps into this space with something new, that makes financial sense for readers, publishers and authors. is solving real issues.


That makes complete sense, thank you for the thorough answer! One more Q: When do you plan to open source the reader as an SDK? I fear, the more you guys build and create value, the more important this gets (for avoiding loss of value due to shenanigans from big corp)


Gotta build a great reader first, then we’ll open source it for the world. Hard to say exactly the timeline on that, because so much is dependent on the pace on which we can grow the team. However, something we’d like to get done this year so we can continue to expand through other channels and hardware providers.

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Finding it hard to think of a question since I’m already completely engulfed in what you guys are building.. But I wanted to ask about book renting and borrowing! Right now this is done through the Fluid platform, will this be the long term way to do so or will it be integrated through the Book platform with maybe an official partnership with Fluid or even Books own solution?

Appreciate what you’re building!


No, we will take this in-house when the time is right. We want everything happening from a singular source like your mobile phone so that ANYONE can do it.
That being said, always looking to partner with other smart Cardano projects to speed things along.

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whens the merch drop? Hat ?Hoodie?


Merch is on our list, but atm it’s not on the highest priority. We’re actively looking into partners so we can offer high quality merch.


I have a dope hoodie on right now.. Come to BookCon and go bananas

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With manga from Japan dominating the American comic book industry, will we see any manga being minted through


Yes, of course. The reader upgrades are all focused around making the reading experience for comics/manga much better. We get calls about this routinely, and obviously want to bring all types of books onto the platform.

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Next time I’m in Austin can I get a office tour?


We’re in McKinney, TX. It’s smaller, with more cowboy hats and less weird. But you can always hit us up on Twitter. If you’re not a crazy person, you can come by.

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How do you see’s business model impacting traditional publishing houses and physical bookstores?


We hope to empower them. Traditional publishers get zero data when a book is sold. They only get numbers on numbers sold and a check. We want to give them the data of how much people are reading, and unlock merchandising capabilities like Buy X, get Y, hold this book and get a chance to meet the author, etc.

So many ways we can help readers truly connect with authors. It’s only the beginning and the opportunities are truly endless.

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You announced Charles at the conference on Twitter. Charles was announced a day earlier in Dubai at a conference. Will he theoretically make it back to America in time to appear at the book conference?


His team has told us he is coming, and we haven’t heard otherwise. I imagine a plane is best mode of transportation.


I hope so or he is fired.

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Really looking forward to Con. I’ll be there! Flying from Aus.


Super cool! We are actually close to releasing the BookCon website. hope you like tex-mex, BBQ, and bourbon


I can’t wait to try tex-mex BBQ!! I’ve heard it’s the best.


Also, for the record “boo” is slang for weed. Unrelated to BookCon on 4/20

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With the expansion into the physical with mint to print, do you see the possibility of brick and mortar stores? Either selling access cards to books, merch or allowing DEA holders to sell the printed cover books?


While we have no plan to have store(s) plural, its something we have talked about. I like the idea of a physical store to sell digital collectibles and ultra-rare physical books.. plus merch.. plus vinyl.. and also probably alcohol.


I’m waiting for minting kiosks at DFW and other airports.

Search a title, or see bestsellers, pay with my credit card, screen flashes my one off cover and I download with a QR code.


Anything is possible, but I think we will be more infrastructure for those brick and mortar stores to order DEA books, customized covers for print books, and work with our partners over at Ingram to handle that type of demand. If we did open up a bookstore, it would be near the main office, and we’d probably make it all 1;1s, with good coffee, and a slick bar.

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Books are the OG DEA (I’m bias) What do you see being the next “big” ticket item? Legal Docs, Music, finances, etc…


We get a lot of questions about music. I think that will be the next “big” item, which is why we’ll be working through Christmas Break on

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First. Phase? Was books second phase was audio books and what is next on the horizon for book io?


Just answered a similar question. We’ll be working through Christmas Break on I think that music will be the next “big” thing on the list.


I’m assuming you’ll be using book token and not creating a music token?


We have an ongoing debate about that and it won’t be the $BOOK token.

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Any thoughts on a list of recommended/compatible e-readers? Collaborations?

Computers/Tablets/Phones are eyeball burners.


We have talked to two different potential ones. No interest in making our own device (right now) but partnering with existing tablets makes a lot of sense. Nothing official yet.


In another post an OG has shared that he uses the Boox e-ink reader.
It’s android based and works with the app.

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Is it true that Ben Book is only going to have a rest from #3030club when he gets to the Olympics?


Ben could have played D1 ball. Hes actually an incredible athlete — actually he used to be until he discovered bourbon.



Hah once I wouldn’t have understood, except friends brought these back to Australia for me.
Maybe you’ve tried the Ironroot, it’s from TX.
Was also the end of my athletic days ;-)


Ben is too damn old and frail for the Olympics. If he ever goes to the Olympics, I hope he gets good seats.


His dedication is seriously to be commended, great to see such solid consistency especially at this time of year

{Senator’s note} Ben is a legit athlete. He’s done an Iron Man, I’ve watched Iron Man 1 and my leg fell asleep.

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Do you like haggis?


Only if it’s served in your backyard

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When is the best time to be prepared for a flash mint?


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Wen $book ISPO? :)


We’re aiming for late Q1 / early Q2.

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Hey Josh, glad you’re joining us here. Love your project, the company, and the vision. Excited to see all things book on the road ahead. Lots of things I could ask, but to throw one out there:

  • any interest to get into the personal/family-centric arena of self-publication? My family has lots of old photos, some family videos, and tons of old family memories. I would imagine that digitizing something like a family photo album or scrap book would be really meaningful, so as to have easy access, while not just publishing it all in the open on the chain. Seems like book could offer some meaningful services here.

Lots of related avenues something like this could be extended into: research data in the sciences, personal records, professional accreditations, etc.

but since we are here in the Christmas season, I figured to ask something useful and meaningful for mom that I could give her for Christmas.

Cheers, and Happy Holidays! — noodz




j/k noodz…. DEA’s unlock so much potential.. Its a fully programmable book — which what is a “book” even?, especially when mixed with other elements like images, movies, audio, music, etc. Having all of that content private for only the holders is huge and there is nothing more secure than blockchain (currently) so it opens up so many new and unexplored doors for the future which is super exciting.

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Big fan of the project but also a fan of decentralization and open source.

Will your books be accessible even if your company closes down in the future or if it gets bought by a bigger player in the market?

What are your plans with open sourcing your reader and all other components that are required to read an NFT book?

Happy holidays and keep up the good work !


Great question. The books are decentralized and no one can take them back. The reader isn’t yet but is on the roadmap and something we talk about architecturally often. There are several potential paths for this including something we build and deploy ourselves but also at a root protocol level we are having these discussions with two different L1s about building in the necessary encryption support at that level. What we don’t want to do is rush to get something out and create any potential DRM security risks. Taking the Cardano approach of building it right first and not letting the market force an unfinished solution. Long term vision is an SDK that any institution could inject and then customize its reading experience for its user base wherein we would not need to exist as a company and nothing would fail.

Also, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you, too.

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Hello Josh. Sorry I missed the AMA. Short question.

How can I get in touch with to publish my book?


Appreciate that you want to publish with us.
You can sign up here:

We have a long waiting list of authors wanting to publish with us, so please allow us some time to get back to you.

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Hosktory (and eventually has huge potential to disrupt digital ownership of books, music, films etc. Do you have any concerns that one of the major players in those areas might get up to some shenanigans to stop the company in its tracks? Is that something you can even plan for as a startup vs a megacorp like, for example, Amazon?


I would almost guarantee they start some shenanigans, in fact we are counting on it which is why we have 5 different law firms including

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I have 2 questions

  1. Regarding the token. You can mint and read a book from multiple chains now. How will the R2E be distributed to those reading in the Ploygon chain, for example, if all the tokens are available in Cardano ?
  2. CNT seam to have a hard time getting listed on exchanges. Are there any plans to have a different standard for the tokens ? I see some other projects having ERC 20 version of their token in order to have exposure to other chain’s DEXs/Exchanges.

I love this project. Thanks again for what you guys do.


1/ Right now all the tokens are Cardano so if you read a Poly book you would earn a CNT. Not to say this will always be the case because we like to me chain agnostic.

2/ Several CEXs we are talking to that do not currently support CNTs are very interested because they see this as a big utility with mass-market potential.. plus its just a really easy use case for them. Lots of them have not engaged with CNTs because they see most of the projects as a knock-off of an EVM/ERC project. The great thing is that unlike ERC tokens, if they support ADA because of the model then they can by definition support CNTs. So its more work to educate them of this because honestly many of them still think ADA is a ghost-chain and are shocked that its even possible to build on.. but it’s great because someone has to go first on many of them — whether its us or someone else, its going to be great for the Cardano ecosystem.

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when will you release 1984 ? So important to be aware of this book and to make it censor resistant


This is the only post Im upvoting.

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Do you see a way/path on how can support small local book stores, which are often pillars of local communities?


Yes, I think our affiliate model for eBooks and Audiobooks will be super helpful for them — and connect local bookstores to their shoppers more directly at some point

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I’m having a SUPER hard time coming up with a legitimate question to ask right now because there’s a mint going on… So I will instead ask — wen speedo?


You can’t mint and talk at the same time?


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This is one of my favorite projects going on in the ecosystem. Keep up the good work. Recommend me a book!


The Mark of Zorro… Also, I just finished all of John Locke’s Two Treaties of Government.. was interesting

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What plans do you have to make the books compatible to commercial ebook readers (kobo etc?) ? I really dislike reading on non-eink displays.

_Nikola-_-san_ 5 points 12 days ago

If you have an android based e-ink reader, there’s nothing stopping you from downloading the app and reading your DEA books 😉 At least, that’s how I roll…



Good point. Thanks Nikola.


Once we have the SDK functional something like a Kobo could ingest it and support DEA books

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I have 2 questions for Josh.

First is, $Book is gonna what? 😅

Secondly, considering our efforts in 𝕏 and here on Reddit, how can we further educate people about the importance of owning their own assets? Besides social media, what other methods can we use to reach more people? Are there any plans already in motion for this?


We have a print version of the whitepaper.. its a 118 page paperback book. Likely to be the second mint-and-print title that we release.. and will probably print it inexpensively so it can be bought and given away easily to spread the word. Also, thanks for all your support!

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Is the main issue you resolve specific to Amazon/Kindle and the US market? In Ukraine, all the ebooks I buy, come as files (in several formats at once) that I can read on any device. No one then can edit these files or retract them. To be fair, I’m not allowed to sell or share them.


I guess that would like having a copy of the genesis of block one of BTC.. its not really worth anything because its not a unique digital asset — just a copy of a file. All North America, South America, Australia, UK, and most of EU everything is DRM protected.

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Step 1 for coinbase is complete…how many more steps?


Step 1 was actually a process that we had to apply to the listing team for to be approved to be listed. That is their first hurdle and contrary to all the noise not everyone gets listed on there. Step 2 is with the exchange team and involves a much deeper due diligence process (current phase).

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What will the future utility be for $BOOK? (besides R2E and purchasing titles)


Lots and lots of stuff.. Details in the whitepaper


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What’s with the wall behind you? You are building the future of books but can’t put a little plaster on the office wall? 😅

josh_book_io 4 points 13 days ago

Our office was a building built in 1901 (ish).. where i sit most days. Has really old windows and the remaining original plaster is painted with exposed brick.



Hahaha thanks for the answer! I was just being silly 😅

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Submitting a question for Maynard, since he can’t make it:

Curious about how much time it’ll be to get the other mint and print titles out as a service (since I’m sure the first one is proof of concept) — not an exact date, just an estimation.
Only other I can think of is when do we think we’ll see BOOK integrated back into the mints.


We have been working on Ingram a lot with this. I think the first couple will be slower and handpicked but very quickly after that we are going to be outputting an XML feed as part of our DEA creation process so that we can quickly get to full mint-and-print on all titles. There are some details we are working out like ISBN managements, etc… stuff that you wouldn't initially think of that have to be figured in. That wasn't an exact date, but I would love to see many titles in q1 and full rollout by q2.

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Is there anything new or on the horizon for or for yourself that you would like to share in this ama that has not been asked already?


We havent put out the press release yet.. but we did hire three new engineers, one from Meta (Facebook), one from Polygon Labs, and one from Polkadot. But don’t tell anyone yet until the press release is out.


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Want to learn more about this project! Any good resources to learn about I like YouTube vids, interviews, blogs, etc. This AMA has been enlightening!

_f_a_r_ 3 points 12 days ago

There may be others, but is is a good one that I’ve shared with friends.
Linked to the point in time:

If you haven’t read the whitepaper that is 100% a must do:

{Senator’s note: This is not an employee, but I thought it was a great answer. The Youtube video listed doesn’t work anymore but I like this one — }

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How many owls would you have to see in a day for you to think, “Man, something is up?”


What breed?

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Currently $BOOK is a Cardano Native Token. Is there plans to bridge to other chains similar to $WMT? or will it stay as a Cardano Native Token?


Something we are definitely keeping an eye on. Much like our minting we we have always wanted to be a massive multi-chain platform so we will continue doing whats best for our users and holders.

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Currently it seems there is no competition to Bookio. Have you given any thought to future competition and your strategy regarding this?


Anytime an industry changes there will be copycats. We have first-mover advantage and an incredibly strong community behind us.

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What happens if ever goes away? No one will be able to read or view their books.

They are the entire book, fully decentralized and living on-chain forever

This is not really true though, the book cant possibly live on chain.


The book is completely decentralized and DRM protected. Whitepaper: (See 4.3 and 4.4). The eReader is not fully decentralized yet but I mention it and the SDK several times in this for reference and how that will function.

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When will we see the Marketplace go Live?


For secondary marketplace we are aiming for Q3 launch depending on resources.. We move around engineers depending on what the next highest priority is. The reality in startup world is that we could get it done and deployed in the next 30 days if we pulled everyone off of all other priorities, so its always a balancing act.

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When major CEX listing?


If only they were faster onboarding. The reality is we could launch on some garbage exchanges really quickly but are chasing others that we think are more strategic. Any you prefer?


I think coinbase is a good start, my favorite. 🔥

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Are there any areas of digital media that you aren’t open to supporting in the future? For example, there is already a good platform in place, or antithetical to your mission?


I like all of them. I will say, I don’t think streaming services are going away but will work in combination with content you own.

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What will the general pricing be for self minting? Based on pages, quantities, etc…


We have outlined a few different pricing models. Since there is a hard cost to minting on different chains it will vary. Some will be a la carte, others we could do in a subscription model with monthly quantity tiers.

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When can an individual or small publishing house expect to be able to mint ebooks with It seems it has only been a select few allowed so far?


2024 roadmap is all about scaling and getting full catalogs… I’ll share a video preview soon of the guts of the minting portal for eBooks and Audiobooks.. Let me see if I can get a good one from Ben

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When is public minting available? My partner and I have a book which wish to mint? Love what you guys are doing! So cool to talk the team at RareEvo


Working on the minting portal. Answered something earlier and mentioned we will post a video soon of the portal in progress. We want to get out of the way and let authors mint — just taking time to build amongst all the other stuff we are building simultaneously.

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any aims to get african authors on chain?


We have a partnership with a publisher who creates/publishes books in Africa in native languages.. probably drop some of those this coming year

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Will be building a platform for Audiobook artists to sync up with authors to help further build out the ecosystem?


Do you mean Audiobook artists as in voice artists that make Audiobooks or authors as artists?


As in voice artists to collaborate and contract with authors to voice the authors book.


Yes, at some point we envision a marketplace for authors to work directly with illustrators, copyeditors, audio artists, book marketers, etc. Just makes sense as a platform to make all this accessible in the future.

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Also what beard care products do you recommend above all else 😄


I use this daily to keep things soft and snugly:

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When we can use a reader (like kindle)?


Once we release the reader SDK other readers can ingest it and then display DEA books.

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Will we ever get automatic discounts for cardano drops?


100%.. have had some meetings about this very thing

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If you could choose a dream book or series to launch with, what would it be?


Well, we are talking to some fantastic, wonderful, and magical titles and series but I can’t go into details about my favorite. There are endless ways for it to really turn into its own community as well.

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Is there any plans for a compilation of short stories or other plans for collaboration between authors


Yes.. and also semi-unrelated, Ben is writing a book about our journey building Book. Its a collections of stories from this journey. A book about Book.

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What do you think is books biggest challenge atm?


Scaling up as fast as possible. We have 3 years of product roadmap that I want to get done in like 6 months. So much demand from all sides, from authors and publishers to end-users. Resources to do all that and continue growing the team is always a challenge in any startup

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Is there any chance we’ll get books printed and minted in languages other than English


100%.. actually had a call with Ingram today and chatted about this on the print side. We already support multi-language in the reader, just a matter of time to begin selling in separate languages. The cool thing is in theory what I’d like to do is be able to buy a book and then select different languages from within it because that is easily possibly with DEAs and not with standard ePubs.

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What is the top priority of in Q1 of 2024?


2024 is a year of scaling and also a big part of that is getting outside our crypto bubble to sell books to the masses. Most of what we have slated is directly focused on that. Ingesting more books from publishers (including entire book catalogues), launching mint-and-print in January (if there are no major impediments). Other user journey stuff like simple onboarding and better credit card checkout.

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Any thoughts on Mr. Cuban and him warming to the Cardano ecosystem?


He’s a big fan of Polygon because he has other investments there which makes sense for his portfolio. Although long term I think other mass-utility projects like ours will be multi-chain as well.

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What is your favourite book in the collection so far?


Manske’s Mistake.


For those that don’t know, Manske is a Hot Shots whale.

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Are you going to do any Spins on the Wheel of Destiny today?


Ben is sick today unfortunately but we have some plans for next week.. and also a new thing called Manske’s Ball Bag. Thanks to all the Gutenberg holders that didn’t delist before the snapshot we have a nice bag of $BOOK to give away.



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When can we read on iPhones?



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Any plans for interactive eBooks? Embedded media files.


Absolutely. Do you have a Gutenberg? It has an embedded video in it (just as an example).

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Has the winner for the meme contest been decided yet?


Yes the winner is — / with —

Which is something I would actually do, and we thought was really funny.

This one is the most painful — I would never wear a spurs jersey, MAVS!!!

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Are there any announcements for the New Year 🎊


Well it’s not the new year yet so I can’t announce anything… but we will have multiple good announcements and product launches in 2024

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What is your favourite book of all time Josh?



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Are there plans to have music albums?


On — yes

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Will the token book be multichain?


Something we are definitely keeping an eye on. Much like our minting we we have always wanted to be a massive multi-chain platform so we will continue doing whats best for our users and holders.

Copying this answer from another question

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What are some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned as CEO of


The most shocking thing has been the amazing community and support who have rallied around what is really a simple idea which is you should actually own the digital things you buy. I think the lesson is don’t be afraid to put your idea out there and pursue it. And even when the haters inevitably show up, be thankful for them as well and causing you to find solutions and work harder.

— — — — — — — — — —THE END — — — — — — — — — —


I want to thank everyone who showed up and asked such great questions. You are an awesome community and 2024 is going to be incredible. Also appreciate all the detailed questions about DEAs/roadmap, etc., and not just “wen moon?!” on the $BOOK token (which will be a natural consequence of true mass adoption). True Utility is going to change the whole media industry and I’m excited to be on this journey with you all.


-- is a Web3 marketplace for buying, reading, selling & trading eBooks and Audiobooks.