Chapter 24 (2022.12.11)
3 min readJan 25, 2023


Things always seem to be extra busy this time of year — we really appreciate everyone for all the support and showing up to mint this last week. Let’s get to the good stuff… Updates

  • Let’s start off with some really cool news — in the last 51 days we’ve helped creators make over 225K USD! How incredible! Special thanks to all of you who are minting from Independent Authors and spreading the word about!
  • We dropped two books by Authors this last week:
  • A Scream of Angels, the second book in the series by Joseph Nassise. There are still 1,085 books available to mint. (Rarest avail: #0002, #0003, #0004, #0006, & #0009). Remember, if you hold this book and The Heretic you will be airdropped the 3rd book for free.
  • The Blacksmith Origin by ADA Ninjaz, which still has books available and was a great collaboration with the popular NFT project. Check out our Twitter Space we did with them earlier in the week.
  • On Friday, we dropped A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens which sold out but is available on JPG.Store … be sure to grab one. If you can complete the Dickens in December Series (Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations), you’ll be airdropped A Christmas Carol for free on Christmas Eve.
  • We are very excited about this week’s upcoming mints:
  • Tomorrow: The Invoker by bestselling author Jon F. Merz. This is Book 2 in the Lawson Vampire Novels. If you need Book 1, The Fixer, you can get it here. Jon is doing an amazing raffle with his titles. For each book you mint, you’re entered to win a chance to win a trip to the set of the pilot production! More details on that here.
  • Tuesday: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Again, this is the last book you’ll need to collect to be airdropped A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve.
  • Wednesday: Cry Havoc by international bestselling author, James P. Sumner.
  • We had our holiday party this weekend, and it was great to spend time with the team and have a little gift exchange.
  • We reviewed progress on the mobile application this week and are making great progress… still on track to release V1 in just a few weeks.
  • We are going to be attending CES in Las Vegas at the beginning of January and will be at several Web3/NFT/New Media sessions… if you are going to be there let us know!
  • Also making plans for exhibiting at Digital Book World in NYC…more details to come about that as we get closer
  • Finally, with Christmas right around the corner, we are gonna be giving away a lot of books! Make sure you’re following us on Twitter and Discord to keep up with all the giveaways!

The Invoker

By: Jon F. Merz
Total volume: 1569, 138 Unique Covers
Sales Starts: Dec. 12th, 10:00 PM UTC
Price: 49/ 44 ADA #OGBookClub and The Fixer Holders
Mint Limit: 10
Note: 74 1:1 covers

As always, thanks for the support! So grateful that you’re here to help us build the future of books! Have a terrific week.

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Ben Illian

Joshua Stone
CEO & Cofounder


-- is a Web3 marketplace for buying, reading, selling & trading eBooks and Audiobooks.